Source code for quacks

from typing import _GenericAlias  # type: ignore
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, Protocol

# Single-sourcing the version number with poetry:
__version__ = __import__("importlib.metadata").metadata.version(__name__)

__all__ = ["readonly"]

# The logic below allows the mypy plugin to be exposed at root level,
# while also ensuring:
# - mypy doesn't become a runtime dependency
# - mypy itself is not scanned during type checking
if not TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover

    def __getattr__(name):
        if name == "plugin":
            from .mypy import plugin

            return plugin
        raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}")

[docs] def readonly(cls: type) -> type: """Decorate a :class:`~typing.Protocol` to make it read-only. Unlike default protocol attributes, read-only protocols will match frozen dataclasses and other immutable types. Read-only attributes are already supported in protocols with ``@property``, but this is cumbersome to do for many attributes. The ``@readonly`` decorator effectively transforms all mutable attributes into read-only properties. Example ------- .. code-block:: python from quacks import readonly @readonly class User(Protocol): id: int name: str is_premium: bool # equivalent to: class User(Protocol): @property def id(self) -> int: ... @property def name(self) -> str: ... @property def is_premium(self) -> bool: ... Warning ------- Subprotocols and inherited attributes are not supported yet. """ if not _is_a_protocol(cls): raise TypeError("Readonly decorator can only be applied to Protocols.") elif any(b is not Protocol and _is_a_protocol(b) for b in cls.__bases__): raise NotImplementedError("Subprotocols not yet supported.") for name, typ in getattr(cls, "__annotations__", {}).items(): if not _is_classvar(typ): @property # type: ignore def prop(self): ... # pragma: no cover prop.fget.__name__ = name # type: ignore prop.fget.__annotations__ = {"return": typ} # type: ignore setattr(cls, name, prop) return cls
def _is_a_protocol(t: type) -> bool: # Only classes *directly* inheriting from Protocol are protocols. return Protocol in t.__bases__ def _is_classvar(t: type) -> bool: return type(t) is _GenericAlias and t.__origin__ is ClassVar